Web Design News

The Web Design Process


Today’s post is the first in a series of three where we’ll look at how to get started with creating your web design layout. If you’re new to web design, a blank screen or piece of paper can sometimes be a scary thing if you have no idea where to start. So, the idea of these posts is to help you develop a process for creating your designs.

So what’s the first step in a typical design process? As a designer you will be rarin’ to go but what do you do? Jump into Photoshop? Start picking out fonts you like? Fire up Notepad or Dreamweaver? No, you need to drop the keyboard and step away from the computer, buddy. The very first step you need to take is to find out what your client wants and/or needs (not always the same thing). If you’re making a web site for yourself, then YOU are the client and you need to figure out what you want and/or need.

Read more about the Web design process

Web Design News

Learning to Love HTML5

Source: Smashing Magazine

It seems that new resources and articles for teaching and promoting HTML5 are popping up almost daily. We’ve been given HTML5 templates in the form of the HTML5 boilerplate and HTML5 Reset (although they both go beyond just HTML5 stuff). We’ve got a plethora of books to choose from that cover HTML5 and its related technologies. We’ve got shivs, galleries, and a physician to help heal your HTML5 maladies. And don’t forget the official spec.

From my own vantage point — aside from a few disputes about what the term “HTML5″ should and shouldn’t mean — the web design and development community has for the most part embraced all the new technologies and semantics with a positive attitude.

Read more about HTML5

Web Design News

Marketing Experiments Quotes Me in New Article, a prestigious marketing optimization Web site, quoted me in their new article, Branding and Interactive Media. Marketing Experiments conducts extensive tests to determine how to optimize Web sites, email campaigns, pay-per-click campaigns, and affiliate marketing campaigns. They regularly publish the results of these tests.

Web Design News

Get Ready for Holographic Video

I’m sure everyone has seen the resurgence of  interest in 3D. Hollywood is pumping out 3D films at a fairly mean clip. Electronics companies are making 3D TVs. And augmented reality applications such as FLARVision and Layar are bringing three-dimensional imagery to the Internet. But you haven’t seen anything yet. Trust me.

The London-based company, Musion Systems Ltd, has solved the age-old puzzle of how to create 3D imagery without the glasses. Their video projection system, the Musion Eyeliner System, turns video footage into holographic footage.

According to Musion, the Eyeliner System uses a DLP video projector, an HD hard-disc player, “Musion Eyeliner Foil + 3D set/drapes enclosing 3 sides,” lighting and audio, and a show controller.

If Musion’s projection system is integrated into home PCs and laptops, the possibilities for Internet marketing companies and Webmasters will be endless. When a Web user hovers a mouse over a banner ad, the projection unit could be triggered, piping holographic promotional imagery into the home of the user. Wow!

Samsung Jet Launch – London, Dubai, Singapore & Beijing from Musion Systems on Vimeo.

Keep your marketing on the cutting edge. Launch your next ad campaign through High Concept Media.

Web Design News

How to Boost Subscription Sales

There’s a little-known method that Webmasters can use to increase the conversion rate for their subscription sites. It doesn’t involve using video tours. It doesn’t even involve using faster loading pages.

The method I’m referring to is a tour on how to place an order. This tour shows consumers how to fill out your order form, how to input their credit card information, how to choose a username and password, and how to get help if needed.

Showing screenshots of the order process is a great way to assuage the fears of your prospective customers. They’ll feel more secure if they know that they can complete the order process successfully. Believe it or not, people are often intimated by this process. They wonder if something will go wrong.

So, help your customers with this simple tour. The result will be more revenue for you.